Different Types of Taxpayer who Uses Tax Consultant Bekasi Service
Tax Consultant Bekasi Service

Tax Consultant Bekasi will be able to help taxpayer to take care of their tax related duty in the correct method and rightfully according to the rules and laws of tax. Some people might not understand and knows how to deal with their tax responsibilities. Thus, using tax consultant will be more efficient and quicker compared to having to learn about the rules by themselves. Furthermore, the rules that used by tax will constantly be updated according to needs, thus it might be hard to follow by those who are not in the tax field.

Tax Consultant Bekasi Service Used by All Taxpayer Types

Another thing that people need to know is the type of taxpayer which actually divided into individual and organization types which can all became to client on tax consultant office. On each type are breakdown into more detailed category which also important to learn.

I. Taxpayer Per Person (WP)

First let us take a look individual taxpayer type which is a person that according to laws responsible to pay tax. Those are individual who have earning from various works that they done. This type itself is separated into 5 categories such as:

  • Induk

Individual that have not yet married and husband as the head of the family.

  • Hidup Berpisah.

Individual that previously married but received separated tax responsibility after they are separated or divorce.

  • Pisah Harta

Individual which are husband and wife who received separated tax because they had written agreement to separated their earning and wealth.

  • Memilih Terpisah

Individual which is a wife who are not included in Hidup Berpisah and Pisah Harga category that choose to do their responsibility separated from their husband.

  • WBT

Those who substitute the tax subject as replacement which is the heir.

II. Taxpayer Organization

Next is the organization type which consist of several people which categorized together to be one entity which also often uses tax consultant service. This type also separates to 5 categories such as:

  • Badan

Several people that blend together to be one entity.

  • Joint Operation

Those who cooperate together to create goods or service that can be taxed in form of JO.

  • Foreign office

Foreign organization that work in Indonesia or foreign office situated in Indonesia.

  • Treasurer

Government treasurer who pay fee, salary, and other payment are responsible to collect tax according to the rules and laws.

  • Organizer

Organizer who does any type of payment are responsible to collect tax according to the rules and laws.

Everyone or every organization that can be categorized into one of those categories are responsible to do their tax according to the rules and laws. Each category might have different rules to follow. Which is why, it is quite hard for every individual to follow each rule to make sure they able to do their tax responsibility correctly. This is why they choose to pay tax consultant fee to get the help that they need in dealing with their tax. Tax consultant Bekasi is there to help each taxpayer to do their tax responsibility and making sure that everything will be done rightfully so you do not need to worry.

Tax Consultant Bekasi Service, More Detail Contact Us :

CALL / WA : 085216750634 Catur Iswanto

Email : info@konsultanku.com